Saturday, July 3, 2010

19 mths 4 wks: Things that I do

Hey Ppl,

This blog entry is dedicated mainly to share things that I do. Hope you all are doing fine. I am sure everyone of you has some or the other plans since its the July 4th long weekend! :) We are going for swimming today afternoon and am pumped up cuz its my first time. I love being in water a lot.

Now coming to things that I do often. I am very affectionate to Khushi, my younger cousin (Anshbhai's younger sister) and pat her, share toys with her and hug her often. I call her 'bunn' lovingly which means sister (ben). I have realized long back that when there's camera around or anybody says the word 'photo' I instantly give a very sweet and naughty smile...Its unique and whenever someone sees me smile, they are like 'who taught you to smile like this?'!! I name each and every food on the table that I eat, whether its crackers, cheese, milk, veggies, fruits, juices, rice, etc. I love eating cakes nowadays, and was the first one to eat Anshbhai's birthday cupcakes on his birthday. Had fun playing with and eating the colorful cupcake decorations :) I have started to enjoy my time at my day school and know the names of all my teachers. Miss Bertha is my primary care teacher and I keep speaking "teacher Bettha" the whole day there and at home. Teacher Tina is my 2nd favorite and I speak her name quite frequently too. I like eating the school lunch and eat it all by myself, love the songs n dance, the playground time (esp. the buggy cars and the sand time), the art work and other things that I do there. I help mumma with laundry and like pushing the laundry hamper from my room to the washer and say 'kugg-kugg' (chug chug) while doing that. I recognize which clothes are mine, daddizz' and mumma's. I am very fond of doing 'seva-puja' and help mumma every evening with that. We dress up je-je-bhagaan (God) and then do the 'divo' which is the main attraction :) Then we offer some 'pataad' (prasaad) to je-je-bhagaan and I eat it and share it with all at home. I have also learnt to say 'kunkoo' (thank you) to anyone when they give me something or do something for me. Mumma taught me just once and I learnt when to use it, isnt that amazing?? :) I also say 'more' when I want more of food or some activity that we are doing. I had gotten some rashes and mumma applies 'bump cream' (rash cream for healing the bumps) to those. Since then I have learnt that whenever anyone gets hurt, bump cream can heal it and I rush to get it for them. Smart boy, aint I??? :) The other day, when mumma came to pick me up along with dada at my school, I said "Mumma back" and she was surprised as to how do I know when to speak back and all. I am a fast learner mumma, so...

There is a lot more that I do, but mumma needs to recall more and jot it down here. So a break for now untill next time. See you all soon, with more updates on that and about how we spent the long weekend.

Anay :)