Saturday, November 15, 2008

Me inside mommy's tummy

Hi Everybody,

I had lots of fun kicking, punching, and swirling inside mommy's tummy. It was sweet and cozy in there. I could sleep all I wanted, drink all I wanted, and play all I wanted. I enjoyed especially the prayers, the fun songs, and the stories that mommy and daddy sang to me. Sometimes, I just lay still, so they would have to sing a lot to awaken me. My favorite fun song is "Lakdi ki kathi..." and my favorite prayers are "O Shrinathji, aavajo tame..." and "Kapoor gauram...". I also like the little poem they sing. It goes somewhat like this.

You're my honey bunch, sugarplum
pumpy-umpy-umpkin, you're my sweetie pie
you're my cuppycake, gumdrops
snugums-bugums, you're the apple of my eye
and I love you so and I want you to know
that I'll always be right here
and I love to sing sweet songs to you
because you are so dear!!

In short, I was the boss of me and I loved it. So I also decided to come out when I wanted. Sure they predicted 40 weeks and mommy-daddy were still preparing, but I arrived at the beginning of 38th week. Here are some of the pictures from when I was inside mommy. This includes the pictures of the awesome Baby Shower party they threw for me. It was a blast and I got lotsa gifts. Thank you to all the people that came from far away, helped with the baby shower, participated in the games, and brought me so many gifts :)

Baby Shower Pics - Part1
Baby Shower Pics - Part2

See ya soon...

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