Tuesday, August 4, 2009

9mths: Wow! I'm starting to cruise :)

Hi Everyone!

The past month has been super exciting for me and my family. Apart from crawling, babbling mumm..mumm, ba..ba and da..da, and few other things like waving good-bye, holding onto things like furniture and trying to get up, I've also learnt to feed myself. Yeah, you got it right, I have been feeding myself cheerios and few other finger foods (veggie dip, apple n strawberry and cheese flavored snacks) since past 3-4 weeks. Eating on my own is so good, no fuss at all! I eat to my appetite and stop when am full.

Also, everyone was kinda waiting for me to start babbling 'pa..pa' and you know what? I first spoke pa..pa to my daddy just 5mins before he was leaving for work last friday, July 31st. He was like wow, did he just speak pa..pa?? Both daddy and mumma got excited and happy :) Since then I've been speaking pa..pa all the time, while playing, before sleeping, after waking up....all the time. Mumma says its the cutest thing I do, cuz I kind of bite my lower lip in while speaking pa..pa :)

And my latest exciting activity is cruising..I hold onto anything that is relatively stable and can take my weight, for eg. a huge diaper box, my tricycle or car and then slowly raise my legs and stand up. You should see how delighted I am when I stand up like this, its like a big achievement for me :) and then I cruise onto something adjacent or mumma if she's sitting nearby. Its funnn..

Videos coming soon, where you can see me feeding myself and doing other fun things. Enjoy!


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