Wednesday, March 31, 2010

16 months 4 weeks: Fun should never end!

Hey Everybody....

How did u like all the pictures that I ve been posting lately??? I hope u like 'em. U may not be surprised to know that my motto of life is 'Fun should never end' :) I not only love to do dhamaal masti (free play n pranks) but also never want it to end. When am playing peekaboo with daddy, or mumma says something funny and I laugh over it or when they do some actions that amuse me or stuff that excites me, I want it to go on and on and on...and god forbid if it ends, then I scream, yell or drag them along to do it again and again :0) Fun should never end, u see! :) So to add to the fun, here are some pictures of the Holi celebration at Stanford Univ. that we went to, last weekend.

Holi 2010

Mumma and daddy are really happy and excited that I speak a lot of words, babble a lot and try to closely follow what they are speaking, so I can speak some of that too some day. As my mumma said in one of the previous posts, I speak more than 20 words already. Some of the new ones are appam (open), aamaa (in this), aapa for aapo (give), aaga for aagal (in front of, forward), tuttle (turtle), paap for taap (sunlight), bom (bomb), pappah (paper), dot-dot (when I see dots or circles or want to scribble using colors), pahpah (potty seat), paa paa (walk), kuck (truck), kukker (tractor), dugh (duck), bap-bap (dip-dip), bhamm (it fell down), bub (bib) and probably some more...its hard for mumma to jot down all of 'em cuz she hears variety of words sometimes mixed together ba ba, ka ka becomes baka baka! :p

I can also feed myself with spoon now. Two days back, I fed myself about 10 spoonfuls of homemade yogurt. It was a scene to be captured, my bib n food tray were all sploshed with the yogurt n mumma still loved it, although she forgot to record it :( Since then she has been encouraging me every meal to feed some by myself with a spoon. Am also learning to drink by myself from the sippy cup by holding it high up. I am already doing great sipping from the straw, and love it too. I drink water, orange juice n sometimes milk too, in my new straw cup.

I guess that's all I have at the moment, but more coming more often. So stay tuned!

Anay :)

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